Giving to St Augustine’s.
Our work is funded entirely by the generosity of our church family.
Three ways to give
Give Online
Give to St Augustine’s online via JustGiving.
Standing Order through your bank
You choose the amount, frequency, and the date your gift leaves your account.
To set up a new Standing Order in a bank branch or using internet or telephone banking, you will need our bank details which are:
Account name: St Augustine of Hippo PCC
Sort code: 30-94-55 (Lloyds Bank)
Account number: 02489563If you are a taxpayer, please fill in our Gift Aid form at the bottom of this page, which enables us to claim back an additional 25p for every £1 you give.
Parish Giving Scheme
If you’re new to regular giving, the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) makes it especially easy to get started.
The scheme doesn’t cost our church anything and we receive the full value of your gift, including Gift Aid, if you are a taxpayer.
To set up a regular gift with PGS, click here.
Alternatively you can call 0333 002 1271 and tell them you would like to support St Augustine’s Ipswich, quoting code 330633079.
Got questions about giving?
Why is God interested in how we use our money? How much should we give? What does the Bible say about tithing?
Watch Al’s teaching on giving from the Let’s Talk About Money series.
Part 1 – THE REASON (MATTHEW 6: 19-24)
Part 2 – THE RESPONSE (MARK 14: 3-9)
Frequently Asked Questions
You can! We still have baskets at the entrance of all our services. However the costs of administering cash and cheques are much greater than they used to be. We are grateful to everyone who switches to electronic giving when they can.
We have Gift Aid envelopes available for anyone who would like to use them to make cash or cheque donations. Please ask our office for a supply. We no longer use numbered envelopes as the cost of administering this system is nowadays greater than the benefits.
Gift Aid is an arrangement with the UK Government that enables charities to claim an additional amount (usually 25p in every £1) on donations made by taxpayers. We claim this automatically on your behalf as long as you have signed a Gift Aid Declaration. Fill in the simple form below and we can do the rest.
Gift Aid Declaration
Gift Aid is reclaimed by us from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.
Please notify us if you…
want to cancel this declaration
change your name or home address
no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains